seriously when i had no offense about this director, but does it make any sense to you when the director put on the actor position: well maybe it was only me find weird about this in the movie zau zat kiu was the elder brother and pok chiaz was the younger brother comon ppl have a good judgement of looks of them.....shouldn't the director would make a reverse on them....cuz zau zat kiu doesn't look like he fit in the role of elder brother, cuz of his youth look, ^^ hahahah well this is my only opinion so far, everything else in the movies was good ^^....... leave reply peeps........
Zau Zat Kiu or I'd type it as "Yau Yat Kiu" is Adam Cheng and Pok Chiaz is "Yau Yee Bor" is Benz Hui. His nick is "Bor Jai"
i think it would be weird either way their age seems soo close that you can't really tell the difference but i think that makes it more realistic since a lot of times people can't tell who is the older sibling in reality.
man i thought pok chiaz was a type of food XD i think they are funny together and bor jai keeps complaining he got all the dud genes it's a bit of a twist, would be more believable if he was zau zat kiu's brother-in-law