I Love seeing him on screen since Detective Investigation Files 1 to 3...He may not be the best actor, but he is very good in acting as a police...
yeah, he is a pretty good actor..I like him in detective investigation with kenix kwok..i think this paring is the best, no one could beat that because i think their chemistry and relationship in there is very bonded and good. Other than that, i like him in love bond..again, he pair up with kenix again..=) altho that series is kinda old, but not that old, i thought the plot was kinda good..is a light hearted family series that contain some comedy..moses and bernice was so funny in there too..heh...other than that, i havent seen michael in any good script series that will boost his popularity back up. i thought on the first beat was alrite..think he is not getting promoted much because of the rumors between him and sonija kwok..=(
first beat was a really good comeback for him..... i really WISHED that he was in detective investigation files IV...instead of louis koo.. i mean louis did a good job in the IV but....still...... michael and kenix....was a really good match back then.... anyone else agrees?
I couldn't agree more!!! Hehe... I can't wait to start watching Wasabi Mon Amour. He's one of the reason why I wanna watch this. :3
used to like him, but ever since he came back to TVB (think 2 to 3 years ago), found that he had aged a lot and some of his acting is really annoying. Maybe its becoz he didnt aged gracefully.... hehehe
Soo cute for his age!! He can act so well in so many different roles!! we need more michael's in tvb!