I thought they was getting married, sure caught me out -innocent2 Did you fell for it too ? -rolleyes
lol. no... hahaha. i knew they weren't going to get married. haha. ending was good! kinda knew glenn would choose gabe at the end.
I had a feeling. Why? Because love is a strong entity that does not need reasoning. But it expresses itself in ways we cannot imagine.
well i really thought they were going to get married at the end, if they did i would have say omfg incest, you are going to marry your partner daughter ? its a bit like your daughter -_- also glenn running and taking plane asap to gabe, i think that part makes glenn look like a bad lover, your actual gf leaves, you are supposed to be sad because you like her at least a bit since you wanted to marry her BUT no he is SO happy that he run back to his previous gf as soon as his actual gf left .... yea he still like gabe but this is messed up ...
Ehh. Don't really have any words to explain this drama. All i can say is, this is one of the last dramas thats on the bottom of my 'like'-list. It's not bad, but storyline is kinda random