Is it me or ah so's taste buds have died

Discussion in 'So Good 2 - 蘇 Good II' started by ultim8camper, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    ... blooddy hell have u guys noticed that ah so always use loads of "low chow and sarng chow and salt and sugar im like wooooh blodddy heell u dont need that much ... its bad for ur health ...lmao .. but glad so good discussion board has opened.......and btw does any know if u can liike ask whatfood to cook? like send them a message or summut?
  2. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    I used to think so too, but my mom says that it looks like a lot, but actually you do need that much to make it taste good, cos the volume that she cooks is quite big.
  3. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    ohhhh i c ic ..... meh awell i still think its ALOT lol tehe
  4. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Yeah, I also noticed that, dreyvii might be right though
  5. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    dude give her a break, shes like what 50 . shes probably talking when you think shes shouting because she cant hear herself properly
  6. an0nymous

    an0nymous Well-Known Member

    But in HK i found that taste is more important then eating healthy. I'm currently on my holiday over here and everyone prefer taste over health.
  7. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    but she had breast cancer before!! health first!!
  8. asiandrabon1314

    asiandrabon1314 Active Member

    i think you are correct hk people found that taste is more important then eating healthy
  9. BestOffer

    BestOffer Well-Known Member

    low chow is not salty at all, is just for the coloring
    her amount is nothing compared to the food you eat outside

    this show is mainly done for those girls in hk who doesn't know how to cook at all, as you can see many are very simple and pretty useless to me.
  10. ahwoonjai

    ahwoonjai Member

    I enjoy watching her cook. THere's no recipe, but she makes the show funny and enjoyable.
  11. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    oh is it ....i thought it was just to give ideas for "garn ting juw fuu " and see lais " but hmm how do u know its for hk girls that not know how to cook at all??

    and oh u can have like low salt and healthy options in UK .... and yh its very enjoyable to watch .. and OMG have any of u realised how much "chung" she puts in her food?? omg i was like waah to much lah
  12. BestOffer

    BestOffer Well-Known Member

    because all the stuff are so simple to cook that housewives would know, EVEN i know them already...

    the amount of seasoning is not important factor in cooking channels as everyone has different taste buds and this should be tried out when you are cooking
  13. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Her love for 'lo chow' and 'sarng chow' is the equivalent of Jamie Oliver and his olive oil
  14. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    I think it's the same in many places. We see a lot of food dripping in oil and drenched in salt and sugar. I guess occasional indulgences don't count. If you don't eat out every meal, you can still eat healthier when you cook at home. :)

    I think she does stay away from certain foods like preserved stuff or sth. But I suppose you mean the heavy flavouring she adds to her foods. Look, if she were to dish out boring old healthy foods, I'm sure not many people would tune in to her program.

    Yup, you're right. She does cook very simple food. But, she also drops tips now and then on how to make the food taste better.
  15. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    It may seem a lot but we aren't the ones tasting it, so none of us know if she put too much sauce or not, but when it comes down to it, it's up to the chef to decide how much of these ingredients they want to put in there dishes. She's cooking for so many people anyways. In fact, for those who are saying this and that about her, do any of you guys actually know how to cook WELL?

    Since we can't really taste her cooking first hand, I so agreed when she said even if you saw someone else cooking, you'll not going to cook exactly the same. If you think she put too much sauce in her cooking, you'll just have to adjust it to your taste.
  16. its kinda hard to follow how she cooks but all the things she makes are good
  17. mulder99

    mulder99 Member

    this is a great cooking show, she uses home made dishes and shows you how to cook simply and with humor.

    cantonese cooking marinades is based on dark soy, light soy, pepper, sugar, corn starch, sesame oil ..pretty common ingredients how much you use is up to each persons taste.
  18. echoecho

    echoecho New Member

    I think ah so doesn't really know. Haven't you notice she never provides the exact measurements to the ingredients. she says don't ask me. Anyways taste is personal preference. I think people watch it as an entertainment show anyway. I prersonally watch it for fun but don't neccesary cook the stuff.
  19. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol shes teaching people to yell when other people cant cook
    " wtf , you cant cook this "? Hei May Ar !
  20. instantnoodlesXP

    instantnoodlesXP Well-Known Member

    lol I laughed so hard when she made the little girl cry in one of the wonder she doesn't have kids roflll
    Yeah my mom said that she puts too much flavouring into the foods.
    I like the show cuz she makes it a fun educational experience...and she calls those two HK girls "mau lei" all the time...hahahah